Kourou (French Guiana), October 9th, 2023 – Vega rocket lifted off from the Guiana Space Centre in French Guiana at 10.36 p.m. local time (01.36 a.m.

Kourou (French Guiana), 08 October 2023 – New launch date for THEOS-2, FORMOSAT-7R/TRITON and auxiliary payloads.

Kourou (French Guiana), 07 October 2023 – Due to a measurement slightly above its maximum threshold during the final countdown, the VV23 launch sequence has been interrupted.

Rome, October 2nd, 2023 – The Independent Enquiry Commission established by ESA to review the anomaly occurred during a test of Vega-C’s Zefiro 40 motor in June, has recentl

Rome, September 4, 2023 – Avio, a leading aerospace propulsion company listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, announces an agreement with T4i, a spin-off of the University of Padua based in Monselice (PD), specialized in innovative propulsio