Policy and Certifications


All the processes that contribute to the design, development and implementation of a product or service are subject to mapping in the Avio quality management systems.

In French Guiana, the mapping process follows the EN 9001:2015 standard.

In Italy, Avio S.p.A. refers to the EN 9100:2018 and the system is certified and integrated with the workplace Health and Safety Integrated Management System and the prevention of relevant incidents, certified according to UNI ISO 45001:2024 and with the Environmental Management System, certified according to the UNI EN ISO 14001:2024.

Each of these three systems is based on dedicated policies on quality, product safety, health and safety of workers and prevention of major accidents and environmental protection.


Avio Corporate Policy


Avio has adopted a set of corporate policies addressed to the main operational areas which express the Group’s responsibility to guarantee a socially responsible conduct and to regulate the most relevant business processes in the sector in which it operates.

The Quality Policy defines the fundamental values that govern the conduct of Avio S.p.A. Among these are: respect, people’s motivation, customer satisfaction, and the creation of value aimed at maintaining over time the highest levels of excellence in terms of quality, product performance, competitiveness and the quality of the services provided, in compliance with the current regulations.

The Policy on Health and Safety at work and for the Prevention of Major Accidents explains the priority aspects for Avio S.p.A. in conducting its activities. These include the protection of health and safety of its workers and the community, the safety of the facilities, the control and minimization of risks, the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases, always in full compliance with the applicable legislation and the other requirements subscribed in the field of health and safety of workers.

The Environmental Policy contains the principles that govern and ensure the correct management of the environmental performance of Avio. S.p.A. in terms of compliance with the legal provisions on the environment; protection and prevention for the optimization of the resources use, minimization of environmental impacts and monitoring of indicators; integration of Group’s Policy with the interested parties.

The Product Safety Policy is compliant with company procedures, in line with customer needs and current legislation and it is guaranteed by the continuous training and information dissemination activities to its personnel on safety during maintenance activities as well as during the analysis and assessment phases of the “Human Factor” risk.